In South Beach Miami

There are no minimum age limit 18 Clubs in South Beach Miami, however if there is a girl in a group which is getting Bottle service who's age is close to 21 she might have a chance of getting in, since when you get VIP service you're treated much differently and will probably not even be ID checked (if you are, try saying she won't drink)

If you must go out clubbing and there are 18-20 years of age in your group another option you have is going to an 18 and over club near South Beach

18+ clubs
South Beach Miami FL

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18 on Thursdays, 21 other days, call to make sure it hasn't change. View this page for more info.


Is a Latin club, plays Merengue, Bachata, Salsa, Regeton, Perico Ripiao, and others. 

( VIEW all Clubs, Bars and Lounges HERE! )

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